by University General Dentists Team Member | Feb 6, 2025 | News, Oral Health
Check out our own Dr. Williams on an episode of WUOT’s Health Connections with Dr. Carole Myers discussing periodontal disease and it’s effects on your body as a whole. Head to WUOT to Listen! >>
by University General Dentists Team Member | Feb 2, 2023 | Dentistry, Mouth Discomfort, Oral Health, Patient Safety and Wellness, Vlog Series
Ever been sitting there and noticed that your jaw is tight and your clenching your teeth? There’s a variety of reasons one may clench their teeth – stress, overactive jaw, etc. Dr. Alani with University General Dentists gives us the low down on teeth...
by University General Dentists Team Member | Jun 8, 2022 | Dentistry, Mouth Discomfort, Oral Health, Senior Oral Health
Over the last couple of years, as you are looking after your own health, you might have often found that you are making sure your loved ones do the same— especially your grandparents, parents, or other older family members. You might also be wondering about some other...
by University General Dentists Team Member | May 9, 2022 | Oral Health, Patient Safety and Wellness
Sleep apnea affects an estimated 25 million American adults, and approximately 80% of sufferers are undiagnosed. Sleep apnea can lead to stroke, cardiovascular issues, and a myriad of other healthcare concerns, not least of which is the fogginess and fatigue that can...
by University General Dentists Team Member | Apr 7, 2022 | Dentistry, Oral Health
Tooth decay, more commonly called cavities, are permanently damaged areas in tooth enamel where holes form in the teeth. Cavities grow slowly over time when excess acid in the mouth erodes the enamel. That acid can be caused by a number of factors, often in...